iSoda is one of those fun apps, but they definitely get old after a while. A few updates have tried to cure this, but only by adding new "flavors"/drinks and some new features.
Some of the new drinks include: Cola, Lime, Water, Energy, and Mouthwash.Each drink is a different color.
Some of the features include, a toggle for drink noise, which is a belch, sounds of pouring the glass, an option to refill your glass, make your water fizzy, and a practical joke where it looks like you are actually paying for the drink.
I have owned this game since I have had my iPhone, and it is fun to pull out every once and a while to show people, but it does get old. The price is a little steep for a drink you can't really drink. If you would like you can download iSoda for $2.99 in the App Store. :D
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