~~My Fifth and Final Review from SinCity!!~~
For my last Las Vegas review, I thought I'd go for an app that combines several
casino games in one. 6 to be exact.
6-in-1 Casino combines 6 casino games:

BlackJack, Roulette, Video Poker, Slots, Casino Wars. Earlier this week, I called the
game a crude rendition, but that was before I had ever opened this app. The truth is is that this app is just plain ugly. Just opening it makes me cringe. There isn't much to review since these are just some basic games, but they look hideous. I can hardly believe that I payed $.99 for this monstrocity of an app. I could understand this app's look and feel if it were free, and even then, I'd be upset that I wasted any space on my phone with this app. Don't even search for this app, it will only make you upset. Not worth looking at.
I'd like to thank Vince for all his help this week by posting all my reviews. He's a pretty
cool dude!
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