Ahoy Matey! Arrgg. Welcome aboard the ZV Enterprise. Arrg, Hopper, swab th

e poop deck, or ye will walk the plank! I have taken over this here vessel and claimed it for the pirates of the high open watarss. It was on route to the orange dock but I here nabbed it right before they reached the dock. Last update had me and me boys hijackin' ships, and now this one has a whole new twist...Hey it's Vince, im back. Just got untied from the sail. They were holdin' me captive until i gave them $0.99 for th

is app. Guess they lost it in the high waters.
Just wanted to do a quick review on Harbor Master's newest update! It is
Smugglers' Reef. This game is created by Imangi Studios and they crank out updates every few weeks or so, with each one being better than the previous. And this one did not disappoint.
In this update the developers created a whole new map for the players to play on. It is called Smuggler

s' Reef and it has a whole new task at hand. Getting the boats to each dock is still the goal. But the trick this time is that each boat may be carrying a package for each dock. The two dock colors are purple and orange. This added feature makes this game alot more challenging. FYI: It does not matter which shipment you drop off first. Good luck with this new update! Hope you enjoy this Booty! Pick it up in the App Store for a shiny $0.99. All updates are free! : D
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