You're jamming out to a song, but here comes that part of the song where you have no idea what on earth the artist is saying. And what a pain it is to have to google the lyrics and find a website that shows you the lyrics without bombarding you with offers for free ringtone versions of that song. Is there nothing more frustrating? Well,
TuneWiki attempts to solve that issue. "What does it do?" you ask? Oh, well I'll tell you. Open the app, and you'll notice that all of your music is there in the app for your listening pleasure. Play a song, and what appears at the bottom but a really handy set of lyrics for that song! Hallelujah! So far I have not found a single song in my library that does not have lyrics available. The app also doubles as a decent radio streamer. As well as an awesome feature that automatically searches

YouTube.com for videos of whatever song you're listening to. Those are the good things, now for the not so good things. The lyrics, while they are very useful to have there, they do not scroll up with the music, you have to continuously tap the icon to make it move up to see the next line. While not a huge problem (since timing the lyrics for every single song would be impossible), it is a bit of a pain. Another problem is that the radio, while it

works, offers no way of really searching for specific stations. You are given the option to look at genres and the top played stations. It also does not appear that the radio stations offer lyrics. And the final downfall would be the speed of the app. It could be because of my massive music library, but the app has a lag like no other. You really must be patient with this fickle app. A future update could possibly solve this issue, provided there is one. But hey! It's a free app that shows you the lyrics of all the songs already in your music library. Not half bad! :)
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